Interested in purchasing the domain
Perhaps we can negotiate...
As you probably know, the domain
yields near #1 search result
listings in most all 20 major search engines and directories when searching
on the search term "tennis instruction."
Imagine... creating an empire on the internet designed to attract a
worldwide audience of website visitors in search of professional tennis instruction,
on-line tennis lessons, and other instructional resources.
Imagine... obtaining paid advertisements from tennis resorts,
businesses, manufacturers, organizations, clubs, and local teaching professionals who
routinely advertise their tennis-related products and services on the web's premier
instructional tennis website
Imagine... hosting the web's most complete database of on-line
instructional tennis resources; video clips, instructional audio, multimedia
presentations, etc... and offering subscribers access to this information through a
"Members Only" area.
Imagine... YOUR company hosting the
world's premier and most highly-visible instructional tennis website;
It all begins with the name... The name that says it all...
Here's the meta search result the way
it appeared not long ago when searching on the search term "tennis instruction"...
with seven #1 listings!
Accordingly, if your company has a vision on how to use this highly
visible domain, please mail your offer and contact information to...
South Florida Professional Tennis Instruction
c/o PTIDC Internet Ventures
2743 Madison Street
Hollywood, FL 33020-5733