Andrew S. Rosz and Steven J. Rosz
A Complete Beginning Tennis Program For Everyone -
This program is for beginners of all ages with little or no previous tennis experience.
Topics include the rules of tennis, clothes and equipment, body conditioning and
exercises, the grip, the ready position, how to watch the ball, groundstroke fundamentals,
and the serve.
Intermediate Excellence Tennis Program - This program helps
develop the student's abilities to enable him or her to compete effectively in local-level
and league competition. Singles and doubles competition is covered with a special emphasis
on technique, stroke development, and competitive strategies.
World Class Tennis Program - This comprehensive program is
for dedicated players of all ages. This three-part program teaches both the mental and
physical aspects of "World Class" professional tennis to those aspiring to be
the best.
Youth Excellence Tennis Program -
This program
involves teaching world class professional tennis to young players
age 3 to 16.
The program is taught as a series of individual private lessons, twice per week, and
to only one student at a time. As parental on-court participation is mandatory,
this program has been carefully designed to provide the best possible training for
talented young players on the fast-track to success.
Intensive Training
Programs for Foreign Players, Tour Players, Out-Of-Town Visitors, and
Future Champions - At South Florida Professional Tennis
Instruction, we offer a variety one and two week intensive training
programs for tennis players of all ages visiting from out of town.
Longer training programs are also available by special request.
Please CLICK HERE to learn more about program
options, accommodations, scheduling, and fees.
Unlike most tennis programs, all SFPTI tennis programs are presented as a series of
individual private lessons to only one or two students at a time. Each lesson follows a carefully designed course outline
and covers a wide variety of topics. Program lessons are 60 minutes each and are
scheduled at a time convenient to the student. For registration
information, please CLICK HERE or contact Andrew Rosz
at (954) 922-8040.

Note: All
Programs offered by South Florida Professional Tennis Instruction are also available as book publications;
expertly-written in manuscript-form for players unable to attend the
course in person, or for players who simply prefer to be
"self-taught." For more information on our world-renowned
SFPTI tennis instruction training manuals
and book publications CLICK HERE. |